1.   Invitro studies have shown impairment of bile acid absorption in the ileal mucosa of patients with cystic fibrosis.

2.   The formation of a pelvic ileal reservoir results in pathological changes in the ileal mucosa in most patients regardless of the initial diagnosis.

3.   Endoscopic examination of the ileal mucosa included a macroscopic assessment of the pouch mucosa and entry into the afferent ileal limb.

4.   These findings suggest that anaerobic bacterial activity has a protective effect on the ileal mucosa.

5.   In vitro studies have shown impairment of bile acid absorption in the ileal mucosa of patients with cystic fibrosis.

6.   The reduced bile acid absorption is likely to reflect damage to the terminal ileal mucosa.

7.   Indeed, luminal bile did release PYY from the ileal mucosa.

8.   One of the UC patients who had had an ileostomy had mild non-specific inflammatory changes histologically, but the ileal mucosa was histologically normal in all other cases.

n. + mucosa >>共 28
oesophageal 13.51%
ileal 12.16%
oxyntic 10.81%
pouch 6.76%
background 4.05%
colon 4.05%
gut 4.05%
jejunal 4.05%
muscularis 4.05%
rat 4.05%
ileal + n. >>共 20
activity 17.54%
motility 17.54%
mucosa 15.79%
reservoir 15.79%
resection 5.26%
specimen 3.51%
bile 1.75%
brake 1.75%
cell 1.75%
disease 1.75%
每页显示:    共 9