1.   As long as that contract has been fulfilled, carrier A is under no further obligation.

2.   At his age, White might not fulfill his contract, but he is well respected in the locker room and an integral part of the team.

3.   Biogen did fulfill its contract.

4.   But, Nathanson says, we must fulfill a contract.

5.   Company spokesman Mark Maddox said Lockheed Martin IMS will fulfill its contract.

6.   Cuba was counting on a strong harvest to pay back loans it has taken at high interest rates and to fulfill delivery contracts it has already made.

7.   Did these guys fulfill their contracts to become free agents?

8.   Friday he issued a statement saying that he disagreed with the hiring of Springer but that he would fulfill his contract.

9.   Friday, a spokesman for the Nation of Islam said the group would sue to have the contracts fulfilled.

10.   He intends to fulfill the contract.

v. + contract >>共 701
sign 19.54%
have 6.35%
win 4.37%
negotiate 3.82%
award 3.27%
renew 2.50%
cancel 2.40%
purchase 2.36%
extend 2.10%
terminate 2.00%
fulfill 0.57%
fulfill + n. >>共 189
promise 15.29%
obligation 8.90%
dream 6.71%
pledge 5.14%
commitment 5.10%
requirement 3.62%
condition 2.77%
duty 2.68%
contract 2.37%
wish 2.24%
每页显示:    共 53