fulfill promise 22.51   Fulfilling a promise.
  fulfill obligation 13.10   She failed to fulfill her obligations.
  fulfill dream 9.87   But how many fulfill that dream?
  fulfill pledge 7.57   He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes.
  fulfill commitment 7.50   He has to fulfill his commitments.
  fulfill requirement 5.33   Iraq insists that it fulfilled U.N. requirements.
  fulfill condition 4.08   The PLO fulfilled the conditions mentioned.
  fulfill duty 3.95   Nelson promises to fulfill that duty.
  fulfill contract 3.49   Biogen did fulfill its contract.
  fulfill mission 3.29   It seems to be fulfilling its mission.
  fulfill role 3.29   The new task forces concept fulfills that role.
  fulfill wish 3.29   Her wish was fulfilled.
  fulfill goal 3.16   It fulfills my goals.
  fulfill responsibility 2.83   And I believe we are fulfilling that responsibility.
  fulfill expectation 2.76   However, Lamptey has not fulfilled expectations.
  fulfill demand 2.57   We could never fulfill the demand.
  fulfill potential 2.57   My father was very keen that I should fulfill my potential.
  fulfill part 2.24   Brady fulfilled his part of the bargain.
  fulfill need 2.11   VBA fulfills this need.
  fulfill agreement 1.97   He said it had fulfilled its agreements with NATO.
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