1.   Fattah, Bray said, proposed the stock purchase with a caveat that the profit-sharing contract would be terminated.

2.   For that reason, his contract was terminated by local management, without any interference from above.

3.   Frustration is where a contract is terminated by an event which has arisen through no fault of either contracting party.

4.   The court ruled that the contract must be terminated.

5.   The employment protection legislation operates to restrict the grounds on which an employer can terminate the contract of employment with impunity.

6.   His contract was terminated last month.

7.   Whereas redundancy and unfair dismissal are statutory claims, wrongful dismissal is a contractual claim where the employer terminates the contract of employment without giving proper notice.

8.   It is not in his interest to terminate the contract prematurely, nor would he wish to give the buyer the opportunity to do so.

9.   The important point for the present is that the above clauses leave no room for doubt that a breach of contract will justify the victim in terminating the contract.

v. + contract >>共 701
sign 19.54%
have 6.35%
win 4.37%
negotiate 3.82%
award 3.27%
renew 2.50%
cancel 2.40%
purchase 2.36%
extend 2.10%
terminate 2.00%
terminate + n. >>共 208
contract 22.69%
pregnancy 9.34%
agreement 7.04%
deal 3.52%
service 3.03%
lease 2.79%
benefit 2.43%
right 2.18%
program 1.94%
talk 1.70%
每页显示:    共 186