1.   It is about time chairmen and administrators started to listen to the managers and worked on fulfilling the pledge.

2.   He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes.

3.   Analysts noted that Zedillo fulfilled a pledge to include the political opposition in his Cabinet.

4.   And Republicans, to fulfill their pledge to balance the budget in seven years without raising tax rates, will need every extra billion the IRS can find.

5.   Annan says he is only fulfilling a pledge.

6.   As he has throughout the campaign, Vacco emphasized Friday that he had fulfilled a pledge to redefine his office to make it more relevant to the public.

7.   Because this would require Senate consent, it was unclear on Thursday how Gingrich would fulfill his pledge.

8.   A good if belated start on fulfilling this pledge would be an aggressive upgrading of car mileage requirements.

9.   But for unknown reasons, Yeltsin was unwilling or unable to fulfill that pledge.

10.   But he said that passage was crucial to fulfill a pledge in the Republican Contract with America to impose sharp restrictions on death penalty appeals.

v. + pledge >>共 217
make 11.65%
sign 9.37%
fulfill 6.73%
break 4.68%
keep 4.04%
reiterate 4.04%
include 4.04%
renew 3.92%
repeat 3.75%
honor 3.57%
fulfill + n. >>共 189
promise 15.29%
obligation 8.90%
dream 6.71%
pledge 5.14%
commitment 5.10%
requirement 3.62%
condition 2.77%
duty 2.68%
contract 2.37%
wish 2.24%
每页显示:    共 114