1.   Service pipes can run the length of the house and May need insulating against frost damage where exposed.

2.   An example is the deletion of an ice nucleating gene from a strain of bacterium which makes crops susceptible to frost damage at temperatures just below freezing point.

3.   Corn futures rose on forecasts for rain today and Wednesday that would delay harvesting in the Midwest and increase the chances of late frost damage to the crop.

4.   When a spring frost damages the merlot, there will be more cabernet sauvignon.

v. + damage >>共 260
cause 22.89%
do 9.72%
seek 6.07%
suffer 5.90%
repair 4.75%
assess 4.66%
report 2.87%
inflict 2.17%
sustain 2.17%
pay 2.08%
frost 0.04%
frost + n. >>共 36
cake 26.32%
glass 9.21%
cookie 6.58%
damage 5.26%
top 5.26%
window 3.95%
crisp 2.63%
brownie 2.63%
side 2.63%
cupcake 1.32%
每页显示:    共 4