1.   Lin, a master craftsman, built the house, whose naturally beautiful West Coast cedar and Tennessee field stone complement the garden.

2.   Only the first floor, wrapped in field stone and picturesque volcanic rock, survived.

3.   The fireplace is made primarily of local field stone.

4.   They say the so-called inscriptions are run-of-the-mill field stones with plow marks, or a few more glacial scratches than usual.

5.   Some were marked by unfinished field stones, and a circle of stones enclosed the rows of graves.

n. + stone >>共 134
gall 16.34%
memorial 6.86%
cholesterol 4.90%
granite 4.25%
pumice 3.92%
cast 2.94%
bench 2.29%
pizza 2.29%
hail 1.96%
field 1.63%
field + n. >>共 531
commander 13.27%
office 6.53%
position 5.78%
test 4.68%
work 3.48%
worker 2.59%
operation 1.95%
advantage 1.70%
guide 1.67%
study 1.42%
stone 0.18%
每页显示:    共 5