1.   Excessive speed is a major cause of road accidents.

2.   She was run over by a car travelling at excessive speed and overtaking on the wrong side.

3.   In most cases excessive speed was too blame.

4.   No excessive speed had been involved.

5.   Alcohol, although involved in one-third of the fatal accidents, is the second most common cause, after excessive speed.

6.   Evidently he was driving at excessive speed.

7.   Excessive speed on wet roads means drivers are dancing like ballerinas on their toes.

a. + speed >>共 654
high 18.18%
full 7.23%
low 4.67%
higher 2.93%
medium 2.50%
top 2.48%
breakneck 1.93%
great 1.85%
lightning 1.72%
different 1.48%
excessive 1.23%
excessive + n. >>共 772
force 12.17%
use 4.31%
amount 3.36%
speed 1.97%
heat 1.56%
level 1.53%
violence 1.42%
government 1.32%
rain 1.22%
demand 1.12%
每页显示:    共 58