1.   Having fallen in love with each other, the couple are now setting up home together at lightning speed.

2.   He moved with his usual lightning speed, slapping her brutally across the face.

3.   He moved with his usual lightning speed.

4.   Some of these fellas are several screens high, yet they zip around at lightning speed!

5.   The application was, of course, dismissed with lightning speed.

6.   They darted with lightning speed after one another.

7.   They were looking for food, of course, and would suddenly plunge downwards at lightning speed when they spotted something.

8.   Time was, not everyone had access to moving things at lightning speed, with neither brakes nor checks.

9.   We have acquired a reputation as the dumping ground with lightning speed.

10.   Pickers are bent double, plucking each flower with lightning speed.

a. + speed >>共 654
high 18.18%
full 7.23%
low 4.67%
higher 2.93%
medium 2.50%
top 2.48%
breakneck 1.93%
great 1.85%
lightning 1.72%
different 1.48%
lightning + n. >>共 171
bolt 19.13%
speed 12.11%
storm 8.97%
offensive 4.48%
visit 4.19%
flash 3.44%
raid 2.69%
protection 2.24%
hit 1.49%
attack 1.35%
每页显示:    共 80