1.   Brazilian farmers only recently got into their fields after excessive rain in February impeded the harvest.

2.   Corn and wheat prices also fell, as the drier weather allows farmers to resume work after three weeks of excessive rain left fields too wet to plant.

3.   Currently, air currents steering Erin are rather weak, paving the way for more excessive rains and flooding as the tropical cyclone slowly dissipates.

4.   Excessive rain and flooding has plagued eastern Texas during the last few days.

5.   Excessive rain forced the replanting of corn and soybean crops in the far southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.

6.   Excessive rain is not expected.

7.   Excessive rains continue in South Florida.

8.   Excessive rain and local flooding are expected along the cold side of a front moving slowly east across the Plains.

9.   Excessive rain saturates the soil, making it difficult for the plants to get the nutrients they need.

10.   Lorson said the case occasionally reappears, particularly when a drought or excessive rain or snow hits the Midwest, affecting the level of the Great Lakes.

a. + rain >>共 262
heavy 40.80%
torrential 8.55%
light 4.98%
freezing 3.26%
steady 2.28%
recent 2.26%
driving 1.95%
cold 1.33%
scattered 1.31%
overnight 1.23%
excessive 0.34%
excessive + n. >>共 772
force 12.17%
use 4.31%
amount 3.36%
speed 1.97%
heat 1.56%
level 1.53%
violence 1.42%
government 1.32%
rain 1.22%
demand 1.12%
每页显示:    共 36