1.   While the listing and publicising of rights was welcomed, there was some disappointment at the unambitious nature of the targets and the absence of enforcement mechanisms.

2.   Another is to make sure there is an enforcement mechanism that will not render the legislative reforms moot.

3.   A major reason is the weakness of the enforcement mechanisms.

4.   A strong and unanimous resolution, though absent enforcement mechanisms, could have been helpful to local activists.

5.   A realist might say that such an enforcement mechanism is tilted in favor of big countries.

6.   But as with all announcements and developments at the conference, there are no enforcement mechanisms other than the desire to maintain international standing.

7.   But by not including enforcement mechanisms in their document, the bishops were trusting university officials to enact the norms on their own.

8.   But the agreement builds in no enforcement mechanism and amounts to little more than pious disinformation.

9.   But Ray and others also said the framework contains no enforcement mechanism to ensure it will lead to substantial change among coffee workers.

10.   But the enforcement mechanism is vague and no one is sure how it will work in practice.

n. + mechanism >>共 390
control 6.71%
enforcement 6.12%
market 4.96%
price 2.43%
trigger 2.24%
exchange-rate 1.94%
feedback 1.85%
safety 1.85%
peace 1.55%
dispute 1.55%
enforcement + n. >>共 378
official 31.69%
agency 15.68%
officer 10.07%
authority 6.17%
action 2.88%
agent 2.78%
source 2.58%
power 2.36%
effort 2.29%
mechanism 0.97%
每页显示:    共 63