1.   Fortunately, the control mechanisms and procedures for flow processes are usually so sophisticated that the processes become automatically self-regulating.

2.   It is indeed difficult to conceive of bad faith which would not automatically render applicable one of the two traditional control mechanisms.

3.   No single control mechanism can ensure efficiency.

4.   Shock occurs to varying degrees in all surgical patients, due to alterations in the normal control mechanisms of the body.

5.   The body has to have control mechanisms to regulate all its functions.

6.   The Stalinist model, in which the Stakhanovites flourished, failed to develop any sensible control mechanisms, and thus collapsed.

7.   There is now a need for alternative control mechanisms in this new computing environment, one of which is proper personnel controls.

8.   This suggests that platelets must possess very sophisticated intracellular control mechanisms.

n. + mechanism >>共 390
control 6.71%
enforcement 6.12%
market 4.96%
price 2.43%
trigger 2.24%
exchange-rate 1.94%
feedback 1.85%
safety 1.85%
peace 1.55%
dispute 1.55%
control + n. >>共 679
system 10.04%
room 5.68%
center 5.19%
group 5.15%
panel 2.79%
problem 2.34%
freak 2.24%
board 2.20%
measure 2.06%
treaty 1.75%
mechanism 1.36%
每页显示:    共 69