1.   They should also be given and encouraged to use enforcement powers where necessary.

2.   Currently, the UN as such has no way of implementing its enforcement powers under Chapter VII.

3.   Although the commission has no enforcement power, its recommendations are taken seriously by the NCAA.

4.   Although the preservation agency has no enforcement powers, Monterey city leaders were dismayed by the designation.

5.   And because the tribunal lacks any enforcement power, its indictments require Western governments to arrest war criminals, which they have been reluctant to do so far.

6.   And the panel will have enforcement powers.

7.   Because the House has no enforcement powers, the Justice Department says a contempt citation would be handled by Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder.

8.   A new department would be created with added enforcement powers.

9.   A new law passed in December restores enforcement powers of the National Security Law to the intelligence agency.

10.   A U.S. intelligence official, speaking on behalf of the CIA, points out that the agency does not seek law-enforcement powers -- only access to information.

n. + power >>共 679
veto 17.13%
enforcement 4.64%
government 3.61%
subpoena 3.52%
monopoly 3.31%
market 2.92%
wind 2.56%
battery 2.41%
computer 1.72%
engine 1.72%
enforcement + n. >>共 378
official 31.69%
agency 15.68%
officer 10.07%
authority 6.17%
action 2.88%
agent 2.78%
source 2.58%
power 2.36%
effort 2.29%
mechanism 0.97%
每页显示:    共 153