control mechanism 4.54   Design Changes modification control mechanisms.
  enforcement mechanism 4.15   It had no teeth, no enforcement mechanism.
  market mechanism 3.36   The market mechanism is working.
  price mechanism 1.65   He also claimed to have rallied support for the price band mechanism.
  trigger mechanism 1.51   He said this type kills with a trigger mechanism.
  exchange-rate mechanism 1.32   Rejoining the exchange-rate mechanism, however, is not on the U.K. agenda.
  feedback mechanism 1.25   The same feedback mechanism in the bakery operates in politics.
  safety mechanism 1.25   An automatic safety mechanism shut off the unit.
  dispute mechanism 1.05   We formed a dispute settlement mechanism.
  peace mechanism 1.05   But they differ widely on how to arrange a new peace mechanism.
  defence mechanism 0.99   It was a defence mechanism her softer side needed at times.
  survival mechanism 0.99   It was my own survival mechanism.
  surveillance mechanism 0.92   The timetable is to get the surveillance mechanism in operational form as early as possible.
  settlement mechanism 0.86   We formed a dispute settlement mechanism.
  support mechanism 0.86   Core support mechanisms.
  release mechanism 0.79   Ice could freeze up their torpedo release mechanisms.
  adjustment mechanism 0.66   Probably an adaptation of the adjustment mechanism applicable to the UK will be proposed.
  escape mechanism 0.66   She uses humor as an escape mechanism.
  transmission mechanism 0.66   The exchange rate transmission mechanism.
  self-destruct mechanism 0.59   There was a self-destruct mechanism on the craft.
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