1.   After this highlight we cycled on roads back to base and to a cream tea in Dorchester.

2.   Lunches, cream teas, special dinners in gardens or unique Winery Restaurant.

3.   Take cream tea on the lawn and the owner, Julian Peck, will serve you himself.

4.   The licensed Barn Restaurant is open for delicious home-cooked cakes, coffee, lunches and cream teas.

5.   We stopped for a cream tea on the way home .

6.   An intermission was filled with several games of bingo and the day was rounded off with cream tea.

7.   They competed to see who could eat most in the hotel restaurant and gorged themselves on Cornish cream teas.

a. + tea >>共 385
iced 16.14%
afternoon 8.96%
herbal 6.66%
hot 5.77%
sweet 3.33%
drinking 1.63%
indian 1.41%
cream 1.18%
traditional 1.11%
jasmine 1.11%
cream + n. >>共 180
pie 11.45%
mixture 10.73%
butter 10.00%
cake 4.00%
gravy 3.64%
sugar 2.91%
soup 2.91%
tea 2.91%
filling 2.55%
margarine 2.36%
每页显示:    共 16