1.   Francis and his friend were drinking tea in his room.

2.   Four or five men were drinking tea from flasks.

3.   No he erm he started drinking while he was drinking tea right?

4.   Chances are, most of you have been drinking tea all year long, even cold tea when the temperature was low enough to chill the glass without ice.

5.   Drinking tea may be only an indicator of a healthier lifestyle.

6.   Drinking tea, black or green, is an absolutely essential part of the longevity plan.

7.   Everyone has a home remedy to treat the common cold, from chicken soup to drinking herbal tea.

8.   He has little appetite, which is typical for those facing exhaustion, and has been drinking tea he brought with him from China.

9.   It centers on Diego, the marginalized gay protagonist who is given to drinking tea from Sevres china cups while swooning to Maria Callas records.

10.   People sit on rugs that once were the pride of the Caucasus drinking tea.

a. + tea >>共 385
iced 16.14%
afternoon 8.96%
herbal 6.66%
hot 5.77%
sweet 3.33%
drinking 1.63%
indian 1.41%
cream 1.18%
traditional 1.11%
jasmine 1.11%
drinking + n. >>共 234
problem 16.34%
alcohol 7.90%
beer 5.55%
habit 4.14%
binge 3.60%
glass 3.52%
coffee 2.97%
age 2.66%
buddy 2.50%
wine 2.50%
tea 1.72%
每页显示:    共 22