1.   Cut the cookie dough into diamonds.

2.   Place the balls of cookie dough on a baking sheet, and flatten each one with your hand.

3.   Roll the cookie dough into balls.

4.   Shape the cookie dough into balls and put them in the refrigerator.

5.   The cookie dough is then pressed into small shapes and baked in a hot oven.

6.   Chill the cookie dough until it is more workable.

7.   Although it is not traditional, brown butter makes a full-flavored stand-in for regular butter in tart crusts, cookie dough, even Rice Krispies treats.

8.   And a few extra moments to get another roll of premixed sugar cookie dough out of the refrigerator and let the kids go wild with the sparkles.

9.   An extramarital fling offers a rebellion against cookie dough and carpools.

10.   As you reach inside for that pint of cookie dough ice cream.

n. + dough >>共 82
cookie 18.85%
pizza 13.10%
bread 11.82%
pie 4.47%
phyllo 3.51%
pastry 3.51%
yeast 2.56%
sugar 2.24%
press 1.92%
corn 1.92%
cookie + n. >>共 145
sheet 39.71%
cutter 9.84%
dough 6.67%
jar 6.45%
crumb 3.62%
recipe 2.94%
crust 2.04%
file 1.24%
tray 1.13%
tin 1.02%
每页显示:    共 59