1.   Coat patties with bread crumbs and place on a baking sheet.

2.   Coat patty with bread crumbs, and repeat with remaining mixture.

3.   Coat each patty with bread crumbs and repeat until all the batter is used up.

4.   Coat the patties with bread crumbs.

v. + patty >>共 44
place 10.53%
make 7.89%
fry 5.26%
brush 5.26%
coat 5.26%
dip 5.26%
add 2.63%
remove 2.63%
carry 2.63%
cook 2.63%
coat + n. >>共 311
side 6.55%
bottom 4.24%
surface 3.47%
piece 2.57%
back 2.44%
leaf 2.18%
chicken 1.93%
meat 1.67%
pasta 1.67%
green 1.54%
patty 0.51%
每页显示:    共 4