1.   Brush patties with olive oil and sprinkle with cumin mixture.

2.   Brush each patty lightly with olive oil.

3.   Brush patties on both sides with oil, then place on a nonstick baking sheet.

4.   Lightly brush each patty with achiote oil.

v. + patty >>共 44
place 10.53%
make 7.89%
fry 5.26%
brush 5.26%
coat 5.26%
dip 5.26%
add 2.63%
remove 2.63%
carry 2.63%
cook 2.63%
brush + n. >>共 302
tooth 20.12%
hair 6.51%
top 5.11%
side 3.50%
tear 2.00%
surface 2.00%
hand 1.90%
wall 1.80%
mixture 1.40%
edge 1.30%
patty 0.40%
每页显示:    共 4