1.   The ability to drink a half-gallon of chocolate milk is alone worth the price.

2.   The result is a gutsy sandwich that would go better with a bottle of beer than a glass of chocolate milk.

3.   You can also make chocolate milk with skim milk.

4.   Chocolate milk and a piece of cake is not my idea of dinner.

5.   Amount of chocolate milk may be adjusted according to taste.

6.   As he spoke, a Jewish boy in a skullcap entered to buy chocolate milk and paused to write the amount on a tab his family keeps there.

7.   At the Maple Leaf Diner, children blowing bubbles in their chocolate milk often have two fathers or two mothers.

8.   A breakfast of toast, cereal and chocolate milk in the school cafeteria raises their energy a notch.

9.   After five bites, the student is rewarded with a gulp of chocolate milk.

10.   All he had before his execution was chocolate milk and coffee.

a. + milk >>共 377
powdered 9.81%
fresh 4.14%
hot 4.14%
chocolate 4.06%
warm 3.52%
remaining 2.45%
raw 2.30%
drinking 2.22%
organic 2.15%
pasteurized 2.15%
chocolate + n. >>共 470
chip 13.72%
cake 8.19%
mixture 5.83%
bar 4.73%
sauce 2.79%
mousse 2.28%
milk 2.24%
maker 1.52%
candy 1.44%
flavor 1.44%
每页显示:    共 53