1.   The calculation of economic batch sizes and cycle times for each level of the PST.

2.   The driver for achieving our objective was reduced batch size, so that it fell closer to order quantity.

3.   Reduced grade change-over time was the driver to enable the plant to run with reduced batch size or reduced economic batch quantity.

4.   It monitored and analysed its performance in relation to grade change time, batch size, working capital and manufacturing lad time.

5.   This was due again in the newly found ability to run with reduced batch size.

n. + size >>共 424
class 18.28%
sample 4.03%
body 3.02%
market 2.69%
population 2.55%
portion 1.95%
shoe 1.68%
particle 1.34%
crowd 1.28%
screen 1.21%
batch 0.54%
batch + n. >>共 25
mode 14.29%
queue 12.86%
size 11.43%
file 10.00%
process 8.57%
quantity 5.71%
job 4.29%
number 4.29%
bake 2.86%
method 2.86%
每页显示:    共 8