1.   Batch processes are designed to cater for five times as many entries as are currently stored in tables.

2.   The Main and Copy Databases are only accessed by batch processes and are not available directly to the lexicographers.

3.   There would also be less time available for running more batch processes.

4.   Distillation may be carried out in either a batch process, using a pot still, or a continuous process, using a patent or Coffey still.

5.   It is a batch process that is expensive, labor intensive and relatively slow.

6.   So, Alex, go ahead and learn to config.sys, batch file process and update sound driver.dll if you want.

n. + process >>共 614
peace 53.12%
selection 3.08%
appeal 2.05%
approval 1.32%
impeachment 1.27%
review 1.20%
election 1.18%
production 1.08%
application 0.94%
budget 0.82%
batch 0.03%
batch + n. >>共 25
mode 14.29%
queue 12.86%
size 11.43%
file 10.00%
process 8.57%
quantity 5.71%
job 4.29%
number 4.29%
bake 2.86%
method 2.86%
每页显示:    共 6