class size 17.91   Class size?
  sample size 3.95   All studies were small in sample size.
  body size 2.96   Look at their body sizes.
  market size 2.63   Expand market size.
  population size 2.50   The effects on population size have been striking.
  portion size 1.91   The other big factor is portion size.
  shoe size 1.65   They had the same shoe size.
  particle size 1.32   I knew they were checking to verify the particle size.
  crowd size 1.25   One is crowd size.
  screen size 1.18   The screen size varies widely.
  file size 1.12   Keep your graphics file sizes small.
  font size 1.05   It chooses the font size that best fits into this frame.
  type size 1.05   The type size usually depends on package dimensions.
  audience size 0.99   And, of course, there is no comparison when it comes to audience size.
  engine size 0.99   The second two numbers are the engine size.
  lot size 0.92   Minimum lot sizes start at an acre.
  group size 0.86   Group sizes vary.
  asset size 0.79   Vanguard now reveals the asset size of its funds at the end of each month.
  room size 0.79   Room size, styles and prices vary.
  brain size 0.72   Their brain size was small and their immune systems weak.
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