1.   All other enquiries and reports are produced in batch mode.

2.   The file organisation method chosen for some files could even be serial or sequential, particularly if the data is likely to be accessed in batch mode.

3.   Most DBMS can process data both in real-time and batch mode.

4.   The program may be run in batch mode by submitting a command file.

5.   Since the Validation program may take several hours to run, it is recommended that it is run overnight in batch mode.

6.   In batch mode the user can request that up to the total number of charge codes established in the system are included in the Listing.

7.   The difficulty faced by the software designer is to establish the correct level of detail to be provided, particularly in batch mode.

8.   The software then processes them all at once -- what we old-timers call batch mode.

n. + mode >>共 429
attack 5.55%
transfer 4.92%
crisis 3.40%
campaign 2.65%
survival 2.02%
sleep 1.64%
batch 1.26%
damage-control 1.13%
winter 1.01%
playback 0.76%
batch + n. >>共 25
mode 14.29%
queue 12.86%
size 11.43%
file 10.00%
process 8.57%
quantity 5.71%
job 4.29%
number 4.29%
bake 2.86%
method 2.86%
每页显示:    共 10