1.   Drain well and place on a baking tray.

2.   Place on a baking tray lined with folded newspaper on the lowest shelf of oven.

3.   Place the sausages on an oiled baking tray.

4.   Place thumbnail-size pieces on a baking tray and cook in a hot oven until golden brown.

5.   Right at the bottom is a handy storage compartment for all your baking trays, dishes and so on.

6.   Scatter with a spoonful or two of sugar and slide the dish on to a baking tray.

7.   Stand tins on a baking tray lined with a double thickness of brown paper.

8.   Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray.

9.   Wash and dry the can well, and place upright on a greased baking tray.

a. + tray >>共 182
silver 11.83%
baking 7.42%
plastic 5.57%
large 3.94%
serving 3.48%
small 2.78%
metal 2.55%
little 2.09%
party 2.09%
greased 1.62%
baking + n. >>共 135
sheet 42.57%
dish 19.96%
pan 12.87%
time 2.95%
tray 1.92%
bread 1.62%
mix 1.26%
cookie 0.78%
company 0.78%
heat 0.66%
每页显示:    共 32