1.   Rotate the pan halfway through the baking time.

2.   An exact baking time is difficult to determine.

3.   As the baking time winds down, prepare a charcoal or gas grill with some briquettes and wood chips.

4.   Baking time depends on ripeness of brie as well as its temperature when it went into the oven.

5.   Baking times can vary, according to the conditions of your oven.

6.   Because the dough has been chilled, the baking time should not change.

7.   Adjust baking time for other sizes as needed.

8.   Also, hens can be baked unstuffed, but baking time will need to be adjusted.

9.   Brush mixture on ham frequently during last hour of baking time.

10.   Check halfway through baking time.

a. + time >>共 376
first 28.66%
same 14.98%
second 5.45%
long 4.61%
last 3.78%
hard 2.53%
good 2.49%
third 2.25%
next 1.57%
tough 1.16%
baking 0.04%
baking + n. >>共 135
sheet 42.57%
dish 19.96%
pan 12.87%
time 2.95%
tray 1.92%
bread 1.62%
mix 1.26%
cookie 0.78%
company 0.78%
heat 0.66%
每页显示:    共 49