1.   Counsel should be instructed for each case at the sitting and appellants who have been granted interim liberation are bound to attend the hearing of the Appeal.

2.   The parties will then have an opportunity to attend the hearing and make representations before the court makes a final decision.

3.   Attendance of witnesses A witness can be compelled to attend the hearing and produce specified documents by issue of a witness summons.

4.   Club chairman Garry Gibson and manager Alan Murray will attend the hearing to support Hodge.

5.   The jobless Middlesbrough girl, whose father attended the hearing, was ordered as conditions of bail to live with her parents and not to see her baby.

6.   Ashcroft also attended the hearing and said afterward he would continue to cooperate with the committee.

7.   Attending the hearing were lawyers representing the White House, Monica Lewinsky, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal and President Clinton personally.

8.   Attorneys for Duncan also complained that the auditor was being forced to attend the hearing and publicly invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege.

9.   Bailey did not attend the hearing and was at his West Palm Beach law practice, his lawyer said.

10.   A Colorado Springs resident who opposes federal efforts to limit indecent speech on the Internet, attended Supreme Court hearings on the issue today.

v. + hearing >>共 341
hold 27.61%
schedule 11.86%
attend 5.86%
conduct 3.31%
begin 2.89%
pend 2.76%
adjourn 2.69%
have 2.53%
postpone 2.08%
plan 1.85%
attend + n. >>共 341
meeting 15.19%
school 6.80%
conference 5.05%
ceremony 4.60%
funeral 4.30%
summit 3.44%
class 3.25%
service 3.15%
college 2.86%
game 2.62%
hearing 2.05%
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