1.   If the Appeal Committee needs further information or advice, the hearing must be adjourned.

2.   The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.

3.   Coroner, Lester Madrell adjourned the hearing for police to continue their investigations.

4.   The hearing was adjourned until today.

5.   The four, arrested at the weekend, made a brief appearance before Cardiff magistrates, who adjourned the hearing until later today to allow further legal representation.

v. + hearing >>共 341
hold 27.61%
schedule 11.86%
attend 5.86%
conduct 3.31%
begin 2.89%
pend 2.76%
adjourn 2.69%
have 2.53%
postpone 2.08%
plan 1.85%
adjourn + n. >>共 48
trial 22.92%
hearing 16.97%
case 16.74%
meeting 6.85%
session 4.83%
proceeding 4.16%
court 4.04%
talk 3.82%
parliament 3.60%
house 3.37%
每页显示:    共 150