attend meeting 160.37   Arberg also attended the meeting.
  attend school 71.76   And a school she attended.
  attend conference 53.32   Will you be attending the conference?
  attend ceremony 48.52   Five attended the ceremony.
  attend funeral 45.36   Did she attend the funeral?
  attend summit 36.34   Castro came to Rome to attend the summit.
  attend class 34.30   Attend a class.
  attend service 33.25   Attending prayer service.
  attend college 30.22   All of them attended college.
  attend game 27.65   - attend games.
  attend talk 27.58   Still attending talks by various groups.
  attend event 26.40   His family attends the event.
  attend hearing 21.66   Spong did not attend the hearing.
  attend trial 20.74   Eissler attended that trial.
  attend session 20.21   Rabin did not attend the session.
  attend rally 19.82   She had attended his rallies.
  attend church 16.39   Attended church.
  attend dinner 12.05   Attends state dinner.
  attend seminar 10.20   We attended handicapping seminars.
  attend fund-raiser 9.41   Clinton attended that fund-raiser.
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