1.   He was being held without bail pending another hearing.

2.   As a matter of practice execution is often not carried out pending the hearing.

3.   Authorities said her two children would be taken to the Montana child welfare agency, pending a hearing by a state judge to decide their placement.

4.   Both players have appealed the suspensions, making them eligible to play pending a hearing.

5.   A hearing is scheduled Tuesday in San Francisco in U.S. District Court on a temporary restraining order to stop enforcement of the ordinance pending a hearing on the lawsuit.

6.   A judge filed an injunction against the proclamation, pending a hearing next month.

7.   A probate judge has placed the children with a maternal aunt, pending a hearing.

8.   A three-judge panel stayed the strict enforcement, pending a hearing in January.

9.   A U.S. magistrate, Ian Levin, ordered him held pending a hearing next week.

10.   All of the defendants were ordered held in federal custody pending detention hearings next week.

v. + hearing >>共 341
hold 27.61%
schedule 11.86%
attend 5.86%
conduct 3.31%
begin 2.89%
pend 2.76%
adjourn 2.69%
have 2.53%
postpone 2.08%
plan 1.85%
pend + n. >>共 262
investigation 11.52%
outcome 10.53%
appeal 8.50%
approval 6.23%
notification 5.96%
trial 5.09%
hearing 4.51%
result 3.26%
decision 3.20%
announcement 2.62%
每页显示:    共 154