71.   Tajon and Singson said they withdrew their signatures from the committee report after finding out that there were certain provisions which needed amendments.

72.   The committee report is to be debated by the chamber, which can still amend or reject it.

73.   The committee report, however, noted that many other studies on MMR and autism find no association.

74.   The committee report says the missionary pilot, Kevin Donaldson, did nothing to warrant the attack.

75.   The committee report was prepared by Dan Fisk and Yvette Wooley, both Republican staff members.

76.   The draft committee report was allegedly circulated among the members of the majority for signatures and minority members claim they were not shown a copy of the said report.

77.   The committee report is to be debated by the full Senate, which can still amend or reject it.

78.   The committee report said a public committee should be organized to monitor and oversee any IGM research on humans.

79.   The committee report should have been presented on the floor Monday to prepare it for ratification this week but Senate was still working on it as of last night.

80.   The committee reports, which include the results of nationwide public hearings, recommend approval.

n. + report >>共 395
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newspaper 5.91%
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committee + n. >>共 357
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