1.   Although irritated by some of her interruptions in the committee hearings, Hyde commended her persistence in a recent comment to a reporter.

2.   An expert on metals markets, Strauss was a frequent witness at congressional committee hearings on proposed legislation affecting the mineral business.

3.   And Senate committee hearings continue to consider Andrew Cuomo to be Secretary of HUD, William Cohen to be Defense Secretary and Bill Daley as Commerce Secretary.

4.   And so the deed was hastily done, without normal committee hearings or very much floor debate.

5.   And the majority decides which issues to highlight during committee hearings.

6.   At times it brought work in the Senate to a halt as Democrats refused to participate in floor debates or committee hearings on the case.

7.   At two committee hearings last week, Olson insisted that she had done nothing wrong.

8.   Bliley has taken an active role this year in holding committee hearings into the extent of Medicare waste, fraud and abuse.

9.   Both cases were dramatized in public Senate committee hearings.

10.   A new study from a taxpayer advocacy group says congressional committee hearings tend to be dominated by witnesses pleading for more spending.

n. + hearing >>共 377
court 18.81%
confirmation 8.74%
bail 4.95%
extradition 4.34%
arbitration 4.17%
impeachment 3.88%
appeal 2.94%
bond 2.65%
committee 2.50%
detention 2.38%
committee + n. >>共 357
member 30.89%
chairman 15.32%
vote 3.22%
meeting 3.20%
assignment 2.64%
hearing 2.42%
official 2.16%
report 2.16%
spokesman 2.02%
room 1.91%
每页显示:    共 102