1.   Each, regardless of seniority or committee assignment, is allotted eighteen employees.

2.   Biers -- COMM. Monitoring committee assignments for Worcester.

3.   Bonior said Democrats expect to receive a larger portion of committee assignments because Democrats make up a larger proportion of the House.

4.   A story on the committee assignments of the four Republican congressmen from the Jayhawk state.

5.   A story on the committee assignments of the congressmen from northwest Texas.

6.   Both won desirable committee assignments.

7.   But it became a time of soul-searching for Democratic lawmakers either voted out of office or facing a return to Congress without key committee assignments.

8.   But the fact that Republicans would win tie votes with Cheney is irrelevant to Democrats, who say that committee assignments must reflect the ratio of the Senate.

9.   Cabot mentioned the way that committee assignments are sought by those in Congress on the basis of how the money rolls in.

10.   Clinton will not land a committee assignment until January and if the Senate winds up evenly divided, seat assignments on the various panels could get messy.

n. + assignment >>共 243
rehab 14.08%
rehabilitation 12.12%
committee 9.98%
homework 8.47%
work 4.19%
seat 3.12%
school 2.32%
plum 2.23%
class 1.96%
job 1.96%
committee + n. >>共 357
member 30.89%
chairman 15.32%
vote 3.22%
meeting 3.20%
assignment 2.64%
hearing 2.42%
official 2.16%
report 2.16%
spokesman 2.02%
room 1.91%
每页显示:    共 111