news report 309.55   A straight news report.
  press report 123.50   Early press reports were too glowing.
  medium report 98.49   Check pollen counts through media reports.
  newspaper report 93.35   ...sensational tabloid newspaper reports.
  earnings report 80.58   An earnings report is expected from IBM.
  government report 68.53   Bonds cheered the government inflation report.
  radio report 67.74   Other radio reports said seven were killed.
  police report 62.80   Then there was a police report.
  television report 46.48   When I saw the television report, it all clicked.
  intelligence report 33.38   Our intelligence reports varied.
  employment report 32.39   Bonds decline following employment report.
  job report 20.80   Bonds pared gains after the jobs report.
  weather report 14.75   I could get a weather report.
  progress report 14.48   A progress report.
  autopsy report 13.30   An autopsy report.
  inflation report 12.44   Insee rarely revises its inflation reports.
  week report 11.98   Traders will watch several economic reports this week.
  credit report 11.19   Free credit reports.
  draft report 10.93   The draft report is due out next spring, Deegan said.
  price report 10.73   Bonds cheered the price report.
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