1.   Here at home, recent hearings and growing media reports have begun to generate more interest in the issue.

2.   In addition, peo-ple have new questions, arising as often from media reports of scientific studies as from popular myth.

3.   They will try to determine whether media reports of his arrest properly explained the incident.

4.   Israel imposes military censorship on domestic and foreign media reports on Soviet Jewish immigration.

5.   The Katsina police commissioner was later quoted as saying that there had been no deaths, contrary to media reports.

6.   According to Western media reports, the meeting agreed in principle to allow the SOC to retain some of its armed forces during the period prior to elections.

7.   The Turkish army was said by the Iraqi government and by some media reports to have used napalm.

8.   The Canadian dollar fell by nearly a cent against the US dollar in nervous overnight trading once media reports of his imminent resignation circulated on world financial markets.

9.   Also, are you worried after media reports about more and more young women getting breast cancer?

10.   An Internet chat room for gay men was bombarded with hate mail following media reports that health officials have traced a syphilis outbreak to people who met there.

n. + report >>共 395
news 19.61%
press 7.82%
medium 6.24%
newspaper 5.91%
earnings 5.10%
government 4.34%
radio 4.29%
police 3.98%
television 2.94%
intelligence 2.11%
medium + n. >>共 677
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company 5.60%
attention 5.19%
coverage 4.39%
outlet 3.32%
magnate 1.66%
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