11.   Combine ingredients with ice in a shaker, shake well and pour into prepared glass and garnish with lemon slice on rim of glass.

12.   Cut a slit halfway through the lemon slice and twist it onto the rim.

13.   Decorate plates with lemon slices, a drizzle of olive oil, if desired, and whole chives or parsley sprigs.

14.   Do they improve customer service, offer to make house calls in a pinch or put lemon slices in the water cooler?

15.   Finish the paella by topping with lemon slices and parsley.

16.   Garnish with lemon slices.

17.   Garnish with Hot Mango Salsa, curly lettuce, herb sprigs, tomato rose, lemon slices, cucumber slices, as desired.

18.   Garnish with lemon slices and lemon grass pieces.

19.   Garnish with more basil leaves and lemon slices.

20.   Garnish each serving with lemon slices and shredded lemon peel, if desired.

n. + slice >>共 149
bread 9.47%
lemon 7.32%
tomato 5.60%
onion 5.60%
apple 5.45%
potato 4.45%
cucumber 4.30%
baguette 3.30%
pineapple 3.01%
banana 2.87%
lemon + n. >>共 166
juice 53.76%
zest 7.89%
wedge 4.61%
peel 4.08%
slice 2.74%
rind 2.58%
pie 1.18%
tree 0.91%
sauce 0.86%
mixture 0.86%
每页显示:    共 51