1.   Doctors think that the large plaques visible on angiograms are often the healed-over and more stable remains of small vulnerable plaques.

2.   Doctors say they can already use special MRI machines to see vulnerable plaque in the carotid arteries that lead to the brain.

3.   Finding ways to make vulnerable plaques more stable is an obvious goal of this research.

4.   If accurate, this is could be the most widely used method of diagnosing vulnerable plaque.

5.   Understanding vulnerable plaque opens new strategies for finding people who are at risk of heart attacks so treatments can be targeted to prevent them.

a. + plaque >>共 157
bronze 10.64%
commemorative 8.24%
small 6.12%
fatty 3.19%
new 2.93%
marble 2.93%
silver 2.66%
dental 2.39%
amyloid 2.13%
blue 1.86%
vulnerable 1.33%
vulnerable + n. >>共 400
people 6.61%
area 5.17%
group 4.58%
position 3.05%
child 2.71%
woman 2.29%
population 2.29%
spot 1.95%
member 1.95%
target 1.61%
plaque 0.42%
每页显示:    共 5