bronze plaque 2.63   The bronze plaque will be fixed to the wall later.
  commemorative plaque 2.04   The Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque.
  small plaque 1.51   A small plaque commemorates the feat.
  fatty plaque 0.79   In oxidized form, LDL leads to fatty plaques that clog vessels.
  marble plaque 0.72   In November, the marble plaque was smashed.
  new plaque 0.72   A few detoured to look at the new plaque.
  silver plaque 0.66   He said he would present to Talley a silver plaque after her performance.
  dental plaque 0.59   The most common form of germ in dental plaque is Streptococcus sanguis.
  amyloid plaque 0.53   These deposits, called amyloid plaques, are believed to cause cell death in the brain.
  blue plaque 0.46   The original drawing for the blue plaque is included.
  metal plaque 0.39   The metal plaque describes the odyssey in Hebrew and German.
  arterial plaque 0.33   Chlamydia has been found in many arterial plaques.
  artery-clogging plaque 0.33   And, he added, Ornish has no evidence that artery-clogging plaque melted away in patients on his program.
  bacterial plaque 0.33   The symptoms were worst in women who had most bacterial plaque on their teeth.
  explanatory plaque 0.33   The state General Services Commission is working on the explanatory plaques.
  large plaque 0.33   Soberly, they stood together staring up at the large plaque.
  vulnerable plaque 0.33   Finding ways to make vulnerable plaques more stable is an obvious goal of this research.
  wooden plaque 0.33   The pens bear the names of Richards, Smith, Bird and Shrake on wooden plaques.
  black plaque 0.26   The names on the simple black plaques tell fascinating stories.
  historical plaque 0.26   A historical plaque marks the site.
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