vulnerable people 5.13   They are the most vulnerable people.
  vulnerable area 4.02   The northeast is an area vulnerable to subversion.
  vulnerable group 3.55   One such vulnerable group is women.
  vulnerable position 2.37   The troops were in a vulnerable position.
  vulnerable child 2.11   The next moment he was a vulnerable child.
  vulnerable population 1.78   And the AIDS virus is spreading, adding to the vulnerable population.
  vulnerable woman 1.78   His victims are vulnerable young women.
  vulnerable member 1.51   Children are the most vulnerable members of society.
  vulnerable spot 1.51   Another vulnerable spot was airlines.
  vulnerable target 1.25   It all adds up to a vulnerable takeover target.
  vulnerable incumbent 1.05   The only other vulnerable GOP incumbent, he added, is Sen. William Roth of Delaware.
  vulnerable part 1.05   And houses now on the most vulnerable parts of the coast are flooded.
  vulnerable time 1.05   This is my most vulnerable time of day.
  vulnerable company 0.99   Shares of companies vulnerable to higher interest rates led the declines.
  vulnerable country 0.99   He mentioned Italy and China as particularly vulnerable countries.
  vulnerable patient 0.79   Some ethicists expressed concern that vulnerable patients were being coerced to put their bodies on the line.
  vulnerable site 0.79   Safety drills for residents near vulnerable sites.
  vulnerable moment 0.66   In a war situation, these are vulnerable moments.
  vulnerable region 0.59   Four polling stations in the most vulnerable region may be closed.
  vulnerable species 0.59   Road fragmentation kills vulnerable species, e.g. barn owls.
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