1.   There was some recognition by planners that schools would provide particularly vulnerable targets, especially dangerous because they contained a high concentration of glass.

2.   A far more vulnerable target is presented by the pools where spent fuel rods are stored after they have been used in the reactors.

3.   But economists long have argued that well-advertised deterrents might only shift crime to more vulnerable targets, like the unprotected house next door, without cutting overall crime rates.

4.   But, at the same time, Marino has become its biggest liability, posing a vulnerable stationary target against zone blitz pressure.

5.   Doctors and coaches say high school students are vulnerable targets for the supplement industry, easily swayed by sports heroes who pitch the substances.

6.   Elsewhere in Southern California, officials see few vulnerable targets.

7.   It all adds up to a vulnerable takeover target.

8.   The downward pressure on its stock had made the bank a more vulnerable takeover target.

9.   The elderly are often the most vulnerable targets, because they often have money to invest, are easier to contact and are generally more trusting than younger people.

10.   The discovery also underscores an urgent need for new AIDS drugs aimed at more vulnerable targets within the interior of the virus.

a. + target >>共 508
military 5.19%
easy 4.03%
takeover 3.57%
potential 3.40%
prime 3.40%
main 2.58%
civilian 2.38%
israeli 2.28%
frequent 2.27%
possible 2.15%
vulnerable 0.19%
vulnerable + n. >>共 400
people 6.61%
area 5.17%
group 4.58%
position 3.05%
child 2.71%
woman 2.29%
population 2.29%
spot 1.95%
member 1.95%
target 1.61%
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