1.   Spoon dollop of cocoa whipped cream on top, and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

2.   Spoon dollops of Guacamole around over top.

3.   Spoon dollops onto cauliflower.

4.   Spoon three dollops of mashed potatoes in a triangle pattern.

n. + dollop >>共 6
spoon 40.00%
lifesaving 20.00%
coin-size 10.00%
last-minute 10.00%
teaspoon-size 10.00%
whipped-cream 10.00%
spoon + n. >>共 99
mixture 19.41%
sauce 15.13%
batter 11.51%
salsa 2.63%
salad 2.30%
fruit 1.97%
dressing 1.97%
vinaigrette 1.64%
filling 1.64%
dollop 1.32%
每页显示:    共 4