1.   As important as flavor is to me, I always rinse my mushrooms under running water, even when they will be cooked.

2.   It is important to rinse these mushrooms because their tiny crevices often trap sand or soil.

3.   Rinse mushrooms, pat dry and chop coarsely.

4.   Strain the mushrooms, reserving the liquid, and rinse the mushrooms under cold water to remove any grit.

v. + mushroom >>共 125
add 12.97%
eat 8.73%
pick 4.48%
remove 4.25%
saute 4.01%
place 2.83%
cut 1.89%
chop 1.89%
use 1.89%
grow 1.65%
rinse 0.94%
rinse + n. >>共 160
chicken 5.20%
bean 2.75%
mouth 2.75%
dish 2.45%
turkey 2.45%
shrimp 2.45%
fish 2.45%
hand 2.14%
piece 1.83%
rice 1.53%
mushroom 1.22%
每页显示:    共 4