1.   Always rinse rice throughly first by putting it in a fine mesh sieve under cool running water until the water runs clear.

2.   Do not rinse rice first.

3.   Rinse the rice in a sieve under cold running water.

4.   Rinsing the rice before cooking will produce grains that are more separate.

5.   Thoroughly rinse rice in cold water until water is clear and drain.

v. + rice >>共 236
cook 5.86%
add 5.29%
import 3.94%
eat 3.94%
grow 3.72%
buy 3.38%
sell 2.93%
have 2.03%
include 1.91%
supply 1.69%
rinse 0.56%
rinse + n. >>共 160
chicken 5.20%
bean 2.75%
mouth 2.75%
dish 2.45%
turkey 2.45%
shrimp 2.45%
fish 2.45%
hand 2.14%
piece 1.83%
rice 1.53%
每页显示:    共 5