1.   Remove chicken from bag, reserving Marinade.

2.   Remove chicken, trim off skin and bones, and return chicken in large pieces to the soup.

3.   After one hour, remove chicken and drain broth from the body cavity.

4.   After removing the chicken from the grill, season with the remaining salt.

5.   Drop the batter, using a one-fourth cup measure, onto the simmering vegetables in the casserole after the chicken has been removed.

6.   If sauce is too thin, remove chicken and keep warm.

7.   Just before cooking, remove the chicken from the refrigerator.

8.   Meanwhile, remove chicken from bones, discarding skin and bones, and cut into large bite-size pieces.

9.   Once you have removed the chicken from the bones, cut it up and use it as the main ingredient in a delicious entree.

10.   Or you can remove the chicken from the bones and refrigerate or freeze immediately.

v. + chicken >>共 364
remove 6.81%
add 3.90%
place 3.90%
eat 3.38%
cook 3.08%
serve 2.79%
raise 2.21%
roast 2.10%
transfer 2.04%
cut 1.86%
remove + n. >>共 1556
body 1.63%
barrier 1.30%
pan 1.14%
restriction 0.98%
obstacle 0.79%
tumor 0.79%
child 0.75%
chicken 0.72%
name 0.72%
president 0.70%
每页显示:    共 116