1.   As soon as the oil feels hot when you hold your hand an inch from the surface, add the chicken.

2.   Being careful not to crowd the pan, add more chicken, dipping each piece in the egg just before placing it in the pan.

3.   Add chicken and cook until browned, stirring often.

4.   Add chicken and stir-fry until cooked through and golden.

5.   Add chicken and toss until well coated.

6.   Add chicken to beef and pork.

7.   Add chicken, and bring liquid to a boil over medium-high beat.

8.   Add chicken, breast side down, submerging completely, adding more water to submerge if necessary.

9.   Add chicken, garlic, onions and salt to taste.

v. + chicken >>共 364
remove 6.81%
add 3.90%
place 3.90%
eat 3.38%
cook 3.08%
serve 2.79%
raise 2.21%
roast 2.10%
transfer 2.04%
cut 1.86%
add + n. >>共 1277
water 1.80%
run 1.20%
goal 1.15%
oil 1.04%
sugar 0.96%
assist 0.93%
voice 0.90%
name 0.86%
job 0.83%
salt 0.83%
chicken 0.30%
每页显示:    共 67