1.   And he wants to remove the restrictions on how much money a party can spend on its own candidates.

2.   But Clinton said he vetoed that bill, partly because Republicans removed restrictions on corporate raids on pension funds.

3.   Did they cease to bind in the early s when various legal restrictions were removed?

4.   The climate of deregulation made it necessary to remove restrictions on the ability of building societies to compete in financial Markets.

5.   The first will aim to remove restrictions on where the funds can invest, and who can manage them.

6.   This ability removes the restriction on context-free grammars that only a finite set of grammatical categories are allowed.

7.   This abolished the interest rate cartel between banks and at the same time removed quantitative restrictions upon the level of bank lending.

8.   The GATT council decided that it should discuss the relationship of environmental regulations and GATT rules designed to remove trade restrictions.

9.   And last week, the chairman of a key House committee put on fast track a bill that would remove restrictions from local phone companies offering high-speed Internet access.

10.   And Wednesday the European Union, acting at the behest of the British, moved to remove restrictions on arms shipments to the alliance.

v. + restriction >>共 402
impose 12.33%
ease 11.92%
lift 11.71%
place 4.51%
remove 3.24%
tighten 3.05%
have 2.93%
relax 2.56%
loosen 2.36%
face 2.07%
remove + n. >>共 1556
body 1.63%
barrier 1.30%
pan 1.14%
restriction 0.98%
obstacle 0.79%
tumor 0.79%
child 0.75%
chicken 0.72%
name 0.72%
president 0.70%
每页显示:    共 157