1.   Bayou in Harlem adds lime and mint, while Rustic in Brooklyn is using pomegranate juice.

2.   Do not use bottled pomegranate juice for this recipe.

3.   Iranian cooks use a dark, treacly sweet-and-sour molasses made from reduced pomegranate juice in many soups and stews.

4.   Pour cup pomegranate juice over chicken.

5.   POMEGRANATE MOLASSES -- Thick piquant syrup or concentrate made from reduced pomegranate juice, sugar and lemon, used for salads and in cooked foods.

6.   Pour in chicken stock and remaining cup pomegranate juice.

7.   Pour pomegranate juice into ice cube tray.

8.   Remove from heat and stir in the pomegranate juice or the molasses, the peppercorns and the diced strawberries, and cook over low heat for one minute.

9.   Stir in the pomegranate juice, vinegar and salt.

10.   Strain liquid into another bowl, and stir in pomegranate juice.

n. + juice >>共 155
lemon 41.80%
lime 15.35%
fruit 9.47%
apple 6.13%
pan 4.01%
tomato 3.09%
grapefruit 2.34%
pineapple 2.13%
tobacco 1.25%
carrot 1.13%
pomegranate 0.75%
pomegranate + n. >>共 18
juice 31.58%
seed 31.58%
tree 7.02%
sauce 3.51%
syrup 3.51%
bush 1.75%
cube 1.75%
fun 1.75%
molasses 1.75%
oil 1.75%
每页显示:    共 18