1.   But there he is, lying serenely beneath a pomegranate tree, encircled by a little fence with thorny roses.

2.   His buddleias, natives of the Chihuahuan desert, and his pomegranate trees are heirloom varieties developed in the Southwest.

3.   Hussein Nasifi, a carpenter, near a wall in the medina that coexists with a pomegranate tree.

4.   Like Rainbow Black, whose interweaving rainbow strands and blue raindrops play around an Ionic column, atop which a cranberry-red pomegranate tree sprouts from an urn.

n. + tree >>共 470
palm 15.64%
pine 10.27%
fruit 5.43%
apple 4.25%
eucalyptus 2.28%
banana 2.06%
maple 2.00%
coconut 2.00%
fir 1.65%
plant 1.53%
pomegranate 0.12%
pomegranate + n. >>共 18
juice 31.58%
seed 31.58%
tree 7.02%
sauce 3.51%
syrup 3.51%
bush 1.75%
cube 1.75%
fun 1.75%
molasses 1.75%
oil 1.75%
每页显示:    共 4