1.   The bathroom windows were made of frosted glass.

2.   Two frosted glass doors opened into an elegant lobby.

3.   Frosted glass, the top pinched into a wedge.

4.   Frosted glass doors lead to opulent bathrooms constructed of local stone, with black stoneware basins.

5.   He frosted glass, made it look ancient and corroded, cut it and ground it in new ways.

6.   Showers no longer have curtains or frosted glass, but heavy clear glass.

7.   Three frosted glass windows are set into each panel, and cylindrical, nickel-plated hinges hold everything together.

v. + glass >>共 429
wear 10.30%
raise 5.24%
have 4.84%
break 3.39%
fill 3.35%
drink 3.35%
shatter 2.60%
hold 2.25%
take 1.72%
use 1.67%
frost 0.31%
frost + n. >>共 36
cake 26.32%
glass 9.21%
cookie 6.58%
damage 5.26%
top 5.26%
window 3.95%
crisp 2.63%
brownie 2.63%
side 2.63%
cupcake 1.32%
每页显示:    共 7