1.   Until now, however, only a few data pointed to the production of platelet activating factor in physiological processes.

2.   All these data point to the importance of leukocytes in the regulation of intestinal permeability.

3.   American intelligence data has pointed to steady preparations by North Korea for a second launch.

4.   But not all the data released Friday pointed to strong growth.

5.   Conference Board data pointed to growing concern that the economy might slow enough to spark fresh layoffs.

6.   Most other data also pointed to a robust economy.

7.   Other recent economic data also point to a possible Fed rate increase.

8.   Other recent data point to a brighter outlook for the manufacturing sector.

9.   Post-flood weekly claims data points to a labor market tightening at the same rate as in the first quarter.

10.   Still, Fidelity was the top institutional shareholder of Yahoo and America Online at the end of September, the most recent data point available, Carson said.

n. + point >>共 907
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official 3.63%
analyst 3.43%
report 3.33%
indicator 2.94%
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expert 2.02%
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datum 0.91%
datum + v. >>共 404
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indicate 4.53%
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